There are no restrictions on using disk space that is available on the system storage of your PVM, but note that the SGN does not provide any backup services for data stored “locally” on your VM. In case you need to reset your PVM to default conditions, all data will be lost! So make sure if using local disk space to backup your data elsewhere, for example by using a SVN infrastructure provided to you by your thesis instructor.
Your local working directory is available, you will find it at:
About 1GB Storage with backup capabilities is available. This service provides a personal working directory, with continuous backup support. You access it by
sshfs USERNAME@host: /mnt/PATH
host is the IP address / name of any PC in the pools, preferable from pool C4.
It works sameway by
mount -t cifs -o username=USERNAME,domain=SGN,uid=USERNAME,gid=student //nethome/USERNAME /mnt/PATH
You will be asked to type your password (normal SGN password):
Password for yourUserName@INFORMATIK.UNI-BONN.DE:
Now you will be granted access to your working directory.
At this place, we'd like to remind you of the HRZ services available to every student:
10 GB of storage are therefore available through the HRZ SAMBA / sFTP servers. Remember, you access HRZ services through your Uni-ID.
mount -t cifs -o username=Uni-ID,domain=SGN,uid=USERNAME,gid=student // /mnt/PATH
Alternatively by ssh
sshfs /mnt/PATH